Stocked catch speices are rainbow trout.   Natural catch speices are perch and pike.  

Allowed fishing methods are spinning, fly fishing and trolling.

The town of Jyväskylä has arranged fishing possibilities near Jyväskylä for decades. Tourists are welcome to take part in fishing too. Lake Tuomijärvi is situated about 2 kilometres to the north of the centre of Jyväskylä. You can find the lake by following the signs to the Tuomijärvi campsite which is situated at the shore of the lake. You can buy your fishing permits and rent a boat from the campsite. Fishing near the shore is forbidden, because there is a swimming beach. Although there are some buildings, there are enough fishing places at the shores. There are few areas where fishing is not allowed (Löylyjoki, Syväoja, Rautpohjanlahti and Eeronlahti). You can find out about these areas from the map, which you will get once you buy your fishing permit.The water quality of the lake is excellent. The town of Jyväskylä takes its drinking water from the lake! The use of a motor is forbidden. Lake Köhniöjärvi is much smaller than lake Tuomiojärvi. Therefore it is easier to fish there from the shore. Lake Köhniöjärvi is situated by the side of the road to Vesanka in Köhniö, about two kilometres to the north-west from Jyväskylä. The trotting-track of Killerjärvi is located near the lake. Lake Köhniöjärvi is narrow and long. Fishing is forbidden at both ends of the lake. There is a parking place and outside toilets at the swimming beach. Pond Kangaslampi is situated in Kangaslampi which is a part of the town of Jyväskylä. It is located about 3 kilometres to the north-west from Jyväskylä. There is a swimming beach with services at the shore of the pond. Fishing is forbidden on about one third of the lake.

Hydrology - Lakes Tuomiojärvi ja Köhniönjärvi

Area  0 ha  (6,8 Kangaslampi)
Area  28 ha  (Köhniöjärvi)
Area  300 ha  (Tuomiojärvi)

Fishing Licences Lakes Tuomiojärvi ja Köhniönjärvi

Season:Summertime 2.5.2019 klo 12.00. - jäiden tulo
Price Duration / Catch quota
Licencegroup: Fishing Method: All All
15 €24 h / 3 salmonid Järvikohtainen lupa
18 €24 h / 3 salmonid Yhteislupa (kaikki järvet)
63 €Season / 3 salmonid Järvikohtainen lupa
86 €Season / No catch quota Yhteislupa
Licencegroup: Fishing Method: All Under 18 y.
9 €24 h / 3 salmonid Järvikohtainen
12 €24 h / 3 salmonid Yleislupa
29 €Season / 3 salmonid Järvikohtainen lupa
57 €Season / 3 salmonid Yleislupa
18-64-years old fisherman has to purchase also personal National fishing management fee Fee: 47 € for the calendar year 2023 or 15 € for seven days or 6 € for one day.

Get Compulsory National Fisheries Management Fee for year 2023Here

Places to pay the permit Lakes Tuomiojärvi ja Köhniönjärvi


 014-3372080 vapaudenkatu 40 JYVÄSKYLÄ 

Intersport Tourula

 014-3372050 vapaaherrantie 2 JYVÄSKYLÄ 


 014-616393 asemakatu 3  

Pro Fish

 014-218006 ilmarisenkatu 4 JYVÄSKYLÄ 

Retkeilyhotelli Laajari

 (014) 624 855 laajavuorentie 15 JYVÄSKYLÄ 

Fishing Rules Lakes Tuomiojärvi ja Köhniönjärvi


Kalastusvuorokausi alkaa luvan ostajan haluamana ajankohtana ja päättyy 24 h:n kuluttua. Tarkista rauhoitusalueet lupakartasta.

Fishing Methods

Spinning, fly fishing and trolling.

General Catch Sizes and Closed Seasons (Finland Fishing Act)

Brown Trout Minimum Lenght cm
With adipose fin South of 64º00N latitude
Show Latitude
With adipose fin 64º00N - 67º00N välissä olevissa sisävesissä cm
Show Latitude
Without adipose fin North of 67º00N latitude cm
Without adipose fin cm
River and Brook
Grayling Minimum Lenght cm
South of 67º00N Latitude cm
Show Latitude
North of 67º00N Latitude cm
South of 67º00N
Freshwater Salmon Minimum Lenght cm
Vuoksi and Hiitolanjoki drainage system
Rivers and brooks .
Salmon Minimum Lenght cm
North of 63º30 N Latitude Bay of Bothnia cm
Show Latitude
River and Brook .
Pike Perch Minimum Lenght cm
Finland cm
Char Minimum Lenght cm
Lake Inarinjärvi cm
Vuoksi drainage area cm
Lake Kuolimo and Saimaa between Puumalansalmi and Vuoksenniska and Vuoksi drainage system area .
Whitefish Minimum Lenght cm
River and brook that empties to sea
Lamprey Minimum Lenght cm
Crayfish Minimum Lenght cm
Jokirapu, täplärapu ja kapeasaksirapu (Astacus leptodactylus)
Rainbow Trout and other Fish Speices Minimum Lenght cm


Lakes Tuomiojärvi ja Köhniönjärvi Videos

Lakes Tuomiojärvi ja Köhniönjärvi Fish Stockings

Tuomiojärvi ja Köhniönjärvi fish stockings


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Lakes Tuomiojärvi ja Köhniönjärvi Maps and Driving Directions


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Weather, Sun and Moon rise and set

Weather, Sun and Moon rise and set

Associated Lakes

Tuomiojärvi 298 ha

Special fishing areas nearby Tuomiojärvi ja Köhniönjärvi

Lakes Tuomiojärvi ja Köhniönjärvi 0 km

Liekkilammet 7 km

Vaajavirta Rapids 8 km

Fishing ground of Leppävesi 11 km

Lake Muurikaisjärvi 12 km

Muuramenjoki Rapids 15 km

Tarvaala Rapids 22 km

Kuusaankoski Rapids 25 km

Lakes nearby Tuomiojärvi ja Köhniönjärvi

Big Lakes:

41,797.21 All Lakes nearby:

Fishing Guides

Medi Fish Oy / Timo Koikkalainen  

Cottages Tuomiojärvi ja Köhniönjärvi

Cottage Hankasalmi Niemisjärvi Simunankoski Revontuli Golf Häkärinteet
7 henk 102m2
alk. 700
/week/cottage 35 km 
Cottage Hankasalmi Ylemmäinen Simunankoski Revontuli Golf Häkärinteet
4+3 henk 59m2
alk. 600
/week/cottage 36 km 
Cottage Konnevesi Konnevesi Siikakoski Revontuli Golf Häkärinteet
9 henk 110m2
alk. 590-865
/week/cottage 57 km 
Cottage Konnevesi Konnevesi Siikakoski Revontuli Golf Häkärinteet
9 henk 110m2
alk. 590-865
/week/cottage 57 km 
Cottage Konnevesi Konnevesi Siikakoski Revontuli Golf Häkärinteet
9 henk 110m2
alk. 590-865
/week/cottage 57 km 


Finland Fishing Licence Online Shop 2025

Purchase Fishing Licences and Permits Finland Online 2025 - Get credentials to our website for free

Get credentials to our websites for free when you purhace licences from our webshop:

  • River Disharges, Water levels
  • Fish stockings, water quality
  • Depth Maps, images, videos

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The largest fishing websites in Finland and offers a wide variety of Fishing licences to purchase. You can get for example the compulsory national fisheries management fee, Rapid and river fishing licences and Lake fishing licences from our webshop.

You can also purchase credentials to and pages without purhacing fishing licence.

Get Credentials 11 99 €


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