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Aurinkoranta Cottage


Aurinkoranta Cottage is 1997 build 2-floored suitable for winter use cottage. Total living-area 102 m² log-cottage  has bedroom, bedroom, bedroom, bedroom, dressing room, grill lap hut, indoor sauna, indoor toilet, kitchen, lavatory, living room, living room outdoor sauna. Altogether there are beds for 7 persons. Dogs and cats are not allowed to stay indoor.

Anemities are barbecue, boat, dish machine, drying cabinet, electric owen, electricity for car heater, equipment for children, fire place (takka ja leivinuuni. erkkeriluukut ja lohkokivet), freezer (jääkaappipakastin), jetty, linen (8 euroa hengeltä), microwave owen, radio, refrigerator, set of dishes (10 hengelle), shower, stereo, video, washing machine, wood burning owen, Cottage is electrificated, lighting is electric light and heating is electric heating. All waters comes running from water pipe.

is located at large (>100 ha) Niemisjärvi-lake shore (distance 30 m). Sand-grounded shore is shallow and suitable for children. There is a jetty on shore. Yard is landscaped, mostly coniferous tree and dry peaty forest. There are beatiful sights to surroundings from the yars.

Taipaleen Lomamökit
Taipaleentie 536  41490 Niemisjärvi
014-845126, 0400-470778

Aurinkoranta Cottage Images


Aurinkoranta Cottage Maps Driving Directions

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Associated Lakes

Niemisjärvi 804 ha

Special fishing areas nearby Aurinkoranta

Fishing ground of Hankasalmi 7 km

Lake Kivinen 21 km

Lake Muurikaisjärvi 23 km

Fishing ground of Leppävesi 25 km

Tarvaala Rapids 25 km

Paltanen Lake 27 km

Vaajavirta Rapids 28 km

Liekkilammet 29 km

Lakes nearby Aurinkoranta

Big Lakes:

50,023.18 All Lakes nearby:


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