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Tuulenpesä Cottage


Tuulenpesä Cottage is 1990 build 1-floored suitable for summer use cottage. Total living-area 67 m² log-cottage  has indoor toilet. Altogether there are beds for 6+ 2 persons. Dogs and cats are not allowed to stay indoor, and there is not allowed to smoke indoors.

Anemities are dish machine and fire place (jääkaappipakastin, sähköliesi, sähköuuni,mikro,vedenkeitin,tv.) and Cottage is electrificated, and heating is electric heating. All waters comes running from water pipe.

is located at small (<10 ha) Markojärvi-lake neigbourhood (distance 0 m). Sand-grounded shore is shallow. There is a jetty on shore. Yard is in natural state, mostly coniferous tree and rocky. There are beatiful sights to surroundings from the yars.

Markojärven Lomamökit
 43900 KINNULA
040-9131999, 040-7508841

Tuulenpesä Cottage Images


Tuulenpesä Cottage Maps Driving Directions

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Associated Lakes

Markojärvi 10 ha

Special fishing areas nearby Tuulenpesä

Lake Kaunislampi 10 km

Lake Koirajärvet 14 km

Etelä-Suomen vapalupa 15 km

Lake Ruuhijärvet 15 km

River Myllyjoki 16 km

Veitjoki River 16 km

Heitjoki 18 km

Valkeisjärvi Lake 24 km

Lakes nearby Tuulenpesä

Big Lakes:

5,143.37 All Lakes nearby:


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