Fishing in PALSANKOSKI RAPIDS Finland 2025


Stocked catch speices are grayling, rainbow trout and brown trout.   Natural catch speices are perch and pike.  

Allowed fishing methods are spinning and fly fishing. Available services are lean-to, fireplace, toilet, accommodation and smoking place.

The river Soutujoki is wading in a canyon between sandy ridges. The forest there is in its natural state and therefore the atmosphere is so wild there. The scenery there is like in Kuusamo. The density of bear population is the highest in Central Finland and it is easy to true when hiking in the forest. The fishing ground of rapid Palsankoski consists of three rapids Palsankoski, Housukoski, and Käpykoski. The fishing ground is about two kilometres long the fall is about 20 metres. The fishing ground begins about 250 metres above the bridge. The steep rapid is about 100 metres long and the bottom of the rapid is rocky. It is not easy to fish there. A little river where fishing is also allowed in the last part joins the river Housujoki. 250 metres after the rapid Palsankoski begins the 180-metre-long rapid Housukoski. A footbridge crosses the rapid. After a short quiet water area begins the rapid Käpykoski which is 220 metres long. In the last 600 metres of the fishing ground there are slowly currents and quiet water areas. At rapid Palsankoski it has been made efforts for fishermen’s satisfaction. On the beautiful bank there is well taken care of lean-on. For smoking there is also a possibility. In the area there is spring as well as a 1,5-kilometre-long nature trail around the area. A suspension bridge crosses the rapid. In summer 1998 there has been built a cottage which the fishermen’s can rent. The salmonoids populations is taken care of with size limit rainbow trout and lake trout plantations. The water of the river Soutujoki is quite humous and therefore the spawning of salmonoids is not successful. On the river there is only available 24-hours permits and the prices are low.

Hydrology - Palsankoski Rapids

Lenght  1800 m  ()
Width  20 m  (Kosket)
Mean discharge  4.5 m3/s  (4.5)

Fishing Licences Palsankoski Rapids

18-64-years old fisherman has to purchase also personal National fishing management fee Fee: 47 € for the calendar year 2023 or 15 € for seven days or 6 € for one day.

Get Compulsory National Fisheries Management Fee for year 2023Here

Places to pay the permit Palsankoski Rapids

Kahvila Korsu

 050 4667111 keskustie 20 MULTIA 

Sinervän leirintä

 040 0241622 leiritie 15 MULTIA 

Fishing Rules Palsankoski Rapids


Rasvaevälliset taimenet vapautettava. Syöttien ja tahnojen käyttö kielletty.sallitut pyyntivälineet uistin ja perho. syöttien, tahnojen ja heittokohon käyttö kielletty. rasvaevälliset taimenet vapautettava. saalisilmoitus palautettava

Fishing Methods

Spinning and fly fishing.

Catch Sizes and Closed Seasons

It is prohibited to take a fish that is smaller than the minimum size and bigger than the maximum size. A fish that does not meet the limits for the catch size must be immediately released back to water.

Catch Sizes and Closed Seasons

Brown trout 50 cm,  Freshwater Salmon 60 cm,  Grayling 35 cm,  Pike Perch 42 cm

General Catch Sizes and Closed Seasons (Finland Fishing Act)

Brown Trout Minimum Lenght cm
With adipose fin South of 64º00N latitude
Show Latitude
With adipose fin 64º00N - 67º00N välissä olevissa sisävesissä cm
Show Latitude
Without adipose fin North of 67º00N latitude cm
Without adipose fin cm
River and Brook
Grayling Minimum Lenght cm
South of 67º00N Latitude cm
Show Latitude
North of 67º00N Latitude cm
South of 67º00N
Freshwater Salmon Minimum Lenght cm
Vuoksi and Hiitolanjoki drainage system
Rivers and brooks .
Salmon Minimum Lenght cm
North of 63º30 N Latitude Bay of Bothnia cm
Show Latitude
River and Brook .
Pike Perch Minimum Lenght cm
Finland cm
Char Minimum Lenght cm
Lake Inarinjärvi cm
Vuoksi drainage area cm
Lake Kuolimo and Saimaa between Puumalansalmi and Vuoksenniska and Vuoksi drainage system area .
Whitefish Minimum Lenght cm
River and brook that empties to sea
Lamprey Minimum Lenght cm
Crayfish Minimum Lenght cm
Jokirapu, täplärapu ja kapeasaksirapu (Astacus leptodactylus)
Rainbow Trout and other Fish Speices Minimum Lenght cm

Palsankoski Rapids Videos

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Palsankoski Rapids Fish Stockings

Palsankosken koskikalastusalue fish stockings

Superior Lake: Vehkoojärvi

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Palsankoski Rapids Pictures

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Palsankoski Rapids Maps and Driving Directions


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Weather, Sun and Moon rise and set

Weather, Sun and Moon rise and set

Associated Lakes

Vehkoojärvi 37 ha

Special fishing areas nearby Palsankosken koskikalastusalue

Palsankoski Rapids 0 km

River Multianjoki Rapids 8 km

Virtalankoski Rapids 21 km

Kota- ja Konttijoki River 24 km

River Niemisjoki 25 km

Fishing ground of Keuruu 26 km

River Pengerjoki 27 km

Moksin- ja Vihanninjoki Rapids 28 km

Lakes nearby Palsankosken koskikalastusalue

Big Lakes:

38,017.44 All Lakes nearby:

Fishing Guides

Medi Fish Oy / Timo Koikkalainen  

Cottages Palsankosken koskikalastusalue

Cottage Saarijärvi Karankajärvi Karajoki Ähtärin Golf Paavonrinteet
Villa Mertala
6+2 henk 114m2
alk. 700-950
/week/cottage 29 km 
Cottage Saarijärvi Heijostenkoski Heijostenkoski Ähtärin Golf Paavonrinteet
10+6 henk 200m2
alk. 650-750
/week/cottage 30 km 
Cottage Saarijärvi Karanka Karajoki Ähtärin Golf Paavonrinteet
Mulikan Hilton
10 henk 0m2
alk. 205
/week/pers. 32 km 
Cottage Keuruu Kuusijärvi Pihlaiskosket Golf-Virrat Vuorenmaa
6 henk 50m2
alk. 430-450
/week/cottage 32 km 
Cottage Keuruu Kuusijärvi Pihlaiskosket Golf-Virrat Vuorenmaa
6 henk 50m2
alk. 380-400
/week/cottage 32 km 


Finland Fishing Licence Online Shop 2025

Purchase Fishing Licences and Permits Finland Online 2025 - Get credentials to our website for free

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  • River Disharges, Water levels
  • Fish stockings, water quality
  • Depth Maps, images, videos

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The largest fishing websites in Finland and offers a wide variety of Fishing licences to purchase. You can get for example the compulsory national fisheries management fee, Rapid and river fishing licences and Lake fishing licences from our webshop.

You can also purchase credentials to and pages without purhacing fishing licence.

Get Credentials 11 99 €


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