Stocked catch speices are whitefish and brown trout (2-3 viikon välein, pyyntikokoisten kalojen istutukset). Natural catch speices are brown trout, grayling, pike and whitefish.
Allowed fishing methods are fly fishing, trolling and spinning. Available services are toilet, lean-to, laplander's hut, boat for rent, fishing quide and smoking place.
The rapid Keskisenkoski is located in the middle of the rapids Korholankosket. The rapids Ylänen and Hannulankoski have been rented for private fishing clubs. The rapid Keskisenkoski is one of the few rapids on the waterway of Rautalampi which is in public fishing use. The rapid Keskisenkoski is a large river in the scale of Central Finland; The flow of water is three times faster than, for example, in the river Huopana. The rapid is broad enough for wadding as well as for rowing. The area of the fishing ground was extended downstream a lot in 1998. The most sought-after fish in the rapid Keskisenkoski is lake trout. Lake trout make long wanderings as far as lake Päjänne in order to eat. A lot of trout over the minimum size limit has also been planted in to the rapid. The natural spawning of the lake trout is supported with mother fish plantings and net fishing limitations. There Is also a large grayling population in the rapid, which has grown considerably during the last couple of years. There is a well-maintained shelter, a lean-on and a fireplace above the rapid. You can rent a rowing boat from the place where fishing permits are sold. The quota of people fishing on the rapid has been increased to seven in 1999. This makes sure that even more people can enjoy fishing on the rapid Keskisenkoski during the best season. However, this large area will remain quite roomy and peaceful in the future.
Lenght 1200 m ()
Width 25 m (kosket suvannot n. 50 m)
Mean discharge 60 m3/s ()
Flood discharge 94 m3/s ()
Low discharge 36 m3/s ()
Price | Duration / Catch quota | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Licencegroup: Fishing Method: All All | 50 € | 24 h / No catch quota | 60 € | 24 h / No catch quota |
Price | Duration / Catch quota |
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Siimassa enintään kolme perhoa puolen metrin välein, Viehekalastus sallittu yhdellä väkäsettömällä yksihaaraisella koukulla kerrallaan1.4.-31.4. kalastus sallittu ainoastaan välivirrassa (ei koskialueita). Vain eväleikattuja taimenia saa ottaa saaliiksi. Väkäsettömän koukun käyttö pakollista.
Fly fishing, trolling and spinning.
It is prohibited to take a fish that is smaller than the minimum size and bigger than the maximum size. A fish that does not meet the limits for the catch size must be immediately released back to water.
Brown Trout | Minimum Lenght cm |
With adipose fin South of 64º00N latitude |
Show Latitude |
With adipose fin 64º00N - 67º00N välissä olevissa sisävesissä | cm
Show Latitude |
Without adipose fin North of 67º00N latitude | cm |
Without adipose fin | cm |
River and Brook |
Grayling | Minimum Lenght cm |
South of 67º00N Latitude | cm
Show Latitude |
North of 67º00N Latitude | cm | Sea |
South of 67º00N |
Freshwater Salmon | Minimum Lenght cm |
cm | Vuoksi and Hiitolanjoki drainage system |
Rivers and brooks . |
Salmon | Minimum Lenght cm |
cm | North of 63º30 N Latitude Bay of Bothnia | cm
Show Latitude |
River and Brook . |
Pike Perch | Minimum Lenght cm |
Finland | cm |
Char | Minimum Lenght cm |
Lake Inarinjärvi | cm |
Vuoksi drainage area | cm |
Lake Kuolimo and Saimaa between Puumalansalmi and Vuoksenniska and Vuoksi drainage system area . |
Whitefish | Minimum Lenght cm |
River and brook that empties to sea |
Lamprey | Minimum Lenght cm |
Crayfish | Minimum Lenght cm |
Jokirapu, täplärapu ja kapeasaksirapu (Astacus leptodactylus) |
Rainbow Trout and other Fish Speices | Minimum Lenght cm |
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Associated LakesLiesvesi 1399 haKynsivesi-Leivonvesi 5413 ha Special fishing areas nearby Keskisenkoski | |
Keskisenkoski Rapids 0 km | |
Hankasalmi Area 1200 ha Area 60 ha 50€/24 tuntia 60€/24 tuntia | |
Lake Lukkarlampi 1 km | |
Hankasalmi Lenght 3 m Lenght 5 m 15€/6 tuntia 20€/12 tuntia 25€/24 tuntia | |
Pesiäissalmi 3 km | |
Hankasalmi | |
Kellankoski Konnevesi 6 km | |
Konnevesi 650€/kausi | |
Siikakoski 10 km | |
Konnevesi 650€/24 tuntia | |
Fishing ground of Konnevesi-Kuusvesi 14 km | |
Äänekoski 17€/viikko 40€/vuosi | |
Kuusaankoski Rapids 18 km | |
Laukaa Area 90 ha 30€/kausi 50€/kausi | |
Suojärvi 18 km | |
Äänekoski Lenght 56 m 30€/vrk 35€/viikko | |
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