Fishing in PIHLAISKOSKET RAPIDS Finland 2025


Stocked catch speices are grayling, rainbow trout and brown trout.   Natural catch speices are perch, pike and ide.  

Allowed fishing methods are spinning and fly fishing. Available services are fireplace, toilet, laplander's hut and bridge.

The rapid Pihlaiskosket consists of four separate rapids and of the river and quiet water areas in between them. The rapids are situated between lakes Pihlajavesi and Kuusijärvi. Starting from the top, the rapids are: Kanavakoski, Pihlaiskoski, Vääräkoski and Kuuskoski. The last two rapids have been used for general fishing purposes only for a couple of years. The total length of the fishing ground is 2,2 km, so you can actually do some hiking too while fishing. The area begins with the short rapid Kanavakoski, which resembles a channel. However, the rapid does offer plenty of lodges for fish. Immediately below the rapid there is a deep pit, where you can find rainbow trout in particular. The rapid Pihlaiskoski begins after about 200 metres of quiet water area. It is the steepest and the most foaming rapid in the fishing ground. Therefore, it is a bit difficult to fish there especially in the middle of the rapid. A bridge crosses the rapid and there is a fireplace on the shore of the rapid. The rapid Vääräkoski, which is about 500 metres long, begins immediately after the rapid Pihlaiskoski. The fact that it is the most slowly-flowing rapid in the area makes it suitable for fishing. After the rapid Vääräkoski, there is a 400 metres long quiet water area called Pitkäsuvanto, which ends up in the rapid Kuuskoski, which is the last rapid in the area. There is a bridge across the rapid. You can see the whole area of the waterfall to the fireplace, which is located at the shore of the rapid. There are rainbow trout and lake trout in the rapids Pihlaiskosket. The fish in the rapids are mainly planted, but sometimes you can catch big andromous lake trout, which have come to Pihlaiskosket from lakes Pihlajavesi and Kuusijärvi. Several lake trout weighting over 5kg have been caught on the rapids Pihlaiskosket. The rapids Pihlaiskosket are located in the middle of wilderness and there are no buildings on the shores. You can reach the rapids with a car only in a couple of spots, and even then you have to walk to get to the rapids. After the rapids are cleaned out during the next couple of years, they will be even better for fishing than before. it is easy to buy fishing permits for the rapids Pihlaiskosket: There is a shelter called Kokonkota in the beginning of road Kokinmäentie, from where you can buy fishing permits from a machine.

Hydrology - Pihlaiskosket Rapids

Lenght  170 m  (Kuusikoski)
Lenght  465 m  (Vääräkoski)
Lenght  300 m  (Pihlaiskoski)
Lenght  144 m  (Kanavakoski)
Lenght  2200 m  ()
Width  5 m  (- 66)
Mean discharge  5.6 m3/s  (5.6)
Flood discharge  20 m3/s  ()
Low discharge  0 m3/s  (1.57)

Fishing Licences Pihlaiskosket Rapids

Season:Other season 1.5.- 30.4.
Price Duration / Catch quota
Licencegroup: Fishing Method: All All
20 €24 h / 2 salmonid
100 €Year / 2 salmonid Saaliskiintiö / vrk kausi 1.5.-31.4
Licencegroup: Fishing Method: All Under 10 y.
0 €24 h / Other quota Alle 10 v kalastaja ei tarvitse omaa lupaa ollessaan perheen vanhemman jäsenen mukana (kalastus vanhemman kiintiöön)
18-64-years old fisherman has to purchase also personal National fishing management fee Fee: 47 € for the calendar year 2023 or 15 € for seven days or 6 € for one day.

Get Compulsory National Fisheries Management Fee for year 2023Here

Places to pay the permit Pihlaiskosket Rapids

Juhani Rajala


Kalle Kuusimäki

 050-3023176 kuusijärventie 247 KATAJAMÄKI 

Karansalmen Kylätalo



  kokinmäentie 32 KATAJAMÄKI (vanha puhelinkoppi)

Matti Rajala


Matti Rajala


Mauno Törmä


Oiva Hanhiniemi

 0400-518447 kaakkomäentie 97 PIHLAJAVESI 

Raija Koskela-Drischenko

 040-7628134 sammalistontie 534 KATAJAMÄKI 

Sale Haapamäki

 014-8604422 pihlajavedentie 7 HAAPAMÄKI 

Fishing Rules Pihlaiskosket Rapids


Syöttien, tahnojen ja veneen käyttö kielletty. Suositus: Välttäkää turhaa kahlaamista syysrauhoituksen loppumisesta – toukokuun loppuun koskivesissä.

Fishing Methods

Spinning and fly fishing.

General Catch Sizes and Closed Seasons (Finland Fishing Act)

Brown Trout Minimum Lenght cm
With adipose fin South of 64º00N latitude Totally Protected
Show 64º00N Latitude
With adipose fin 64º00N - 67º00N välissä olevissa sisävesissä 60 cm
Show 67º00N Latitude
Without adipose fin North of 67º00N latitude 50 cm
Without adipose fin 50 cm
River and Brook 1.8. - 30.11. Totally Protected
Grayling Minimum Lenght cm
South of 67º00N Latitude 35 cm
Show 67º00N Latitude
North of 67º00N Latitude 30 cm
Sea Totally Protected
South of 67º00N 1.4.-31.5. Totally Protected
Freshwater Salmon Minimum Lenght cm
60 cm
Vuoksi and Hiitolanjoki drainage system Totally Protected
Rivers and brooks 1.8. - 30.11.. Totally Protected
Salmon Minimum Lenght cm
60 cm
North of 63º30 N Latitude Bay of Bothnia 50 cm
Show 63º30N Latitude
River and Brook 1.8. - 30.11.. totally protected
Pike Perch Minimum Lenght cm
Finland 42 cm
Char Minimum Lenght cm
Lake Inarinjärvi 45 cm
Vuoksi drainage area 60 cm
Lake Kuolimo and Saimaa between Puumalansalmi and Vuoksenniska and Vuoksi drainage system area 1.9. - 30.11.. Totally protected
Whitefish Minimum Lenght cm
River and brook that empties to sea 1.9.-31.11. Totally protected
Lamprey Minimum Lenght cm
1.4.-30.11. Totally protected
Crayfish Minimum Lenght cm
Jokirapu, täplärapu ja kapeasaksirapu (Astacus leptodactylus) 1.11.-21.07. klo 12 Totally protected
Rainbow Trout and other Fish Speices Minimum Lenght cm
No Minimum Catch Sizes or Closed Seasons

Pihlaiskosket Rapids Videos

Pihlaiskosket Rapids Fish Stockings

Pihlaiskosket fish stockings

grayling, rainbow trout and brown trout.  

Superior Lake: Pihlajavesi

Pike perch, Freshwater Salmon, Brown trout, Whitefish (Coregonus l. pallasi) and Vendace.

Underneath Lake: Kuusijärvi

Pike perch, Brown trout and Whitefish (Coregonus l. pallasi).

Pihlaiskosket Rapids Pictures


Pihlaiskosket Rapids Maps and Driving Directions

Depth Map, Topographical map
Driving Directions Google Maps

Weather, Sun and Moon rise and set

Weather, Sun and Moon rise and set

Associated Lakes

Pihlajavesi 2070 ha
Kuusijärvi 322 ha

Special fishing areas nearby Pihlaiskosket

Pihlaiskosket Rapids 0 km

Reinikankoski Rapids 5 km

Pieni Innonjärvi 6 km

Koskelankoski 8 km

Vehmaskoski 9 km

Kotalankosket Rapids 10 km

Kituskosket 10 km

Mustakoski Kotalankosket 11 km

Lakes nearby Pihlaiskosket

Big Lakes:

42,860.64 All Lakes nearby:

Fishing Guides

Medi Fish Oy / Timo Koikkalainen  

Cottages Pihlaiskosket

Cottage Keuruu Kuusijärvi Pihlaiskosket Golf-Virrat Vuorenmaa
6 henk 50m2
alk. 430-450
/week/cottage 2 km 
Cottage Keuruu Kuusijärvi Pihlaiskosket Golf-Virrat Vuorenmaa
6 henk 50m2
alk. 380-400
/week/cottage 2 km 
Cottage Keuruu Kuusijärvi Pihlaiskosket Golf-Virrat Vuorenmaa
8+2 henk 65m2
alk. 450-550
/week/cottage 2 km 
Cottage Keuruu Kuusijärvi Pihlaiskosket Golf-Virrat Vuorenmaa
4 henk 30m2
alk. 280
/week/cottage 2 km 
Cottage Mänttä-Vilppula Tarjanne Kotalankosket Golf-Virrat Himos
Mäntän lomamökki
5 henk 100m2
alk. 340-450
/week/cottage 25 km 


Finland Fishing Licence Online Shop 2025

Purchase Fishing Licences and Permits Finland Online 2025 - Get credentials to our website for free

Get credentials to our websites for free when you purhace licences from our webshop:

  • River Disharges, Water levels
  • Fish stockings, water quality
  • Depth Maps, images, videos

Get Licences

The largest fishing websites in Finland and offers a wide variety of Fishing licences to purchase. You can get for example the compulsory national fisheries management fee, Rapid and river fishing licences and Lake fishing licences from our webshop.

You can also purchase credentials to and pages without purhacing fishing licence.

Get Credentials 11 99 €


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