Finland National Fishing Management Fee 2024

Spinning, Flyfishing, Trolling using single rod, reel and lure.

Price Duration
47€Calendar year 2024
16 €7 days
6 €1 day
Area:Everywhere but not at protection areas (often special fishing grounds and salmon and whitefish abundant rapids and currents).
Fishing Permit entitles you to fish using single rod, reel and lure. You may also use a weighted lure or diver. This fishing Permit entitles you to fish everywhere but not at protection areas (often special fishing grounds and salmon and whitefish abundant rapids and currents). National fisheries management fee must not be paid in Aland.

Get Finland National Fishing Management Fee 2024 Here

No licence required for angling

No licence required for ice fishing

You must always pay National fisheries management fee 2024 if you are aged 18-64 years and get permission of the owner of the water areas is always required independent of the age of the fisher.

Net fishing licences are sold usually in local shops and gas stations. Updating information

You must always pay National fisheries management fee 2024 if you are aged 18-64 years and get permission of the owner of the water areas is always required independent of the age of the fisher.

Other fishing licences are sold usually in local shops and gas stations. Tietoja päivitetään

Places to pay permit Lemi

Updating info

Fishing Rules Lemi

General Catch Sizes and Closed Seasons (Finland Fishing Act)

Brown Trout Minimum Lenght cm
With adipose fin South of 64º00N latitude
Show Latitude
With adipose fin 64º00N - 67º00N välissä olevissa sisävesissä cm
Show Latitude
Without adipose fin North of 67º00N latitude cm
Without adipose fin cm
River and Brook
Grayling Minimum Lenght cm
South of 67º00N Latitude cm
Show Latitude
North of 67º00N Latitude cm
South of 67º00N
Freshwater Salmon Minimum Lenght cm
Vuoksi and Hiitolanjoki drainage system
Rivers and brooks .
Salmon Minimum Lenght cm
North of 63º30 N Latitude Bay of Bothnia cm
Show Latitude
River and Brook .
Pike Perch Minimum Lenght cm
Finland cm
Char Minimum Lenght cm
Lake Inarinjärvi cm
Vuoksi drainage area cm
Lake Kuolimo and Saimaa between Puumalansalmi and Vuoksenniska and Vuoksi drainage system area .
Whitefish Minimum Lenght cm
River and brook that empties to sea
Lamprey Minimum Lenght cm
Crayfish Minimum Lenght cm
Jokirapu, täplärapu ja kapeasaksirapu (Astacus leptodactylus)
Rainbow Trout and other Fish Speices Minimum Lenght cm

Lemi Fish Stockings

You can find information about fish stockings from pages of lakes and rivers.

Hanki tunnukset täydellisille sivuille

Lemi Maps and Driving Directions


You can find information about water quality from pages of lakes and rivers.

Weather, Sun, Moon 

Weather, Sun, Moon 

Lemi Lakes

Kotajärvi 346.5 ha, Syntymäinen 222.6 ha, Lahnajärvi 211.7 ha, Kirventeenjärvi 94.4 ha, Kaitajärvi 88 ha, Salajärvi 78.2 ha, Keskinen 74.9 ha, Tuohtjärvi 68.9 ha, Lalvatti 49.8 ha, Särkilampi 18.4 ha, Löytänä 16.7 ha, Ratikko 15.2 ha, Huulampi 12.6 ha, Kirveslampi 10.2 ha, Kalalampi 9.2 ha, Visukkainlampi 9 ha, Kaitalampi 8.8 ha, Majava 8.5 ha, Pajarinlampi 8.1 ha, Nuppolanlampi 8.1 ha, Ulapanlampi 7.6 ha, Ahvenlampi 7.3 ha, Kirventeenlampi 5.6 ha, Soutlampi 5.4 ha, Alaislampi 5 ha, Nukkalampi 4.8 ha, Hanhilampi 4.7 ha, Valkialampi 4.6 ha, Otaminlampi 4.4 ha, Kaakkolampi 3.8 ha, Orilampi 3.7 ha, Saarvalampi 3.6 ha, Tallisenlampi 3.4 ha, Noromi 3.3 ha, Liikoilampi 3 ha, Raatolampi 2.5 ha, Mustalampi 2.4 ha, Valkialampi 2.2 ha, Miekkolampi 2 ha, Sylyslampi 2 ha, Mätönlampi 1.9 ha, Vuolteenlampi 1.8 ha, Niskalampi 1.8 ha, Värrönlampi 1.6 ha, Kotalampi 1.5 ha, Paskolampi 1.4 ha, Myllylampi 1.4 ha, Kurjenlampi 1.1 ha, Nimetön 1.1 ha, Mustalampi 1 ha, Joutlampi 0.7 ha,

Lemi Rivers

Cottages Lemi

Cottage Lemi Kotajärvi Vuoksen kalastuslupa-alue Viipurin Golf Myllymäki
Lemin lomamökki
0 henk 80m2
alk. 500
/week/cottage 7 km 
Cottage Lappeenranta Saimaa Vuoksen kalastuslupa-alue Viipurin Golf Myllymäki
Lappeenrannan lomamökki
5 henk 100m2
alk. 500
/week/cottage 18 km 
Cottage Savitaipale Virmajärvi Kuomiojoki Viipurin Golf Mielakka
Savitaipaleen lomamökki
8 henk 80m2
alk. 500
/week/cottage 20 km 
Cottage Suomenniemi Kuolimo Kuomiojoki Viipurin Golf Mikkeli/Tornimäki
Suomenniemen lomamökki
6 henk 110m2
alk. 400
/week/cottage 22 km 
Cottage Taipalsaari Saimaa Vuoksen kalastuslupa-alue Viipurin Golf Myllymäki
Taipalsaaren lomamökki
9 henk 0m2
alk. 340-450
/week/cottage 24 km 
Cottage Ylämaa Väkevänjärvi Summajoen viehekalastusalue Viipurin Golf Uuperin rinteet
Ylämaan lomamökki
12 henk 150m2
alk. 340-450
/week/cottage 43 km 
Cottage Miehikkälä Tyllinjärvi Summajoen viehekalastusalue Viipurin Golf Uuperin rinteet
Miehikkälän lomamökki
4+2 henk 100m2
alk. 340-450
/week/cottage 44 km 
Cottage Ruokolahti Saimaa Vuoksen kalastuslupa-alue Imatran Golf Myllymäki
Ruokolahden lomamökki
7 henk 120m2
alk. 500
/week/cottage 45 km 
Cottage Puumala Puruvesi Rävykoski Golf-Porrassalmi Hasamäki
Puumalan lomamökki
3 henk 60m2
alk. 340-450
/week/cottage 52 km 
Cottage Virolahti Summajoen viehekalastusalue Kymen Golf Uuperin rinteet
Virolahden lomamökki
4+2 henk 0m2
alk. 340-450
/week/cottage 56 km 
Cottage Mäntyharju Ylä-Rieveli Kuomiojoki Golf-Porrassalmi Mikkeli/Tornimäki
Mäntyharjun lomamökki
5 henk 100m2
alk. 340-450
/week/cottage 61 km 
Cottage Ristiina Kuomiojoki Golf-Porrassalmi Mikkeli/Tornimäki
Ristiinan lomamökki
3 henk 50m2
alk. 250
/week/cottage 62 km 
Cottage Imatra Vuoksen kalastuslupa-alue Imatran Golf Myllymäki
Imatran lomamökki
4 henk 100m2
alk. 500
/week/cottage 63 km 
Cottage Hamina Summajoen viehekalastusalue Kymen Golf Uuperin rinteet
Haminan lomamökki
4+2 henk 0m2
alk. 340-450
/week/cottage 67 km 
Cottage Iitti Urajärvi Myllykoski Sonnanjoki Koski-Golf Mielakka
Iitin lomamökki
4+2 henk 0m2
alk. 340-450
/week/cottage 75 km 


Finland Fishing Licence Online Shop 2022

Purchase Fishing Licences and Permits Finland Online 2022 - Get credentials to our website for free

Get credentials to our websites for free when you purhace licences from our webshop:

  • River Disharges, Water levels
  • Fish stockings, water quality
  • Depth Maps, images, videos

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The largest fishing websites in Finland and offers a wide variety of Fishing licences to purchase. You can get for example the compulsory national fisheries management fee, Rapid and river fishing licences and Lake fishing licences from our webshop.

You can also purchase credentials to and pages without purhacing fishing licence.

Get Credentials 8 99 €